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Under the Tuscan Sun - Dream Assignment of the day
The dream assignment of the day chosen at random.
Author: Kelly
Dream Assignment: Under the Tuscan Sun
Answers from the author:
Where did your dream assignment come from?
“My dream assignment came from a combination of my love of Italy and its culture, which is a love I share with my children, and my desire to shoot next to my daughter, who has been my rock, my motivation and support for the last two years in getting my photography business up and running..”
What kind of thoughts and reactions would you like others to have when they view the photos of your dream assignment?
“I want people to not only see the beauty and romance of Italy, which is why most people vacation there, but to see the smaller villages, the large families at the dinner table, the local butcher working feverishly in his shop, small festivals and celebrations, ways of old still being celebrated today."
Kelly’s dream assignment can be found at:
Announcement from Dream Assignment Team
There have been some discussions over the last couple of days regarding a blog post and the Dream Assignment Idea Laos Landmine Victims. There have been questions raised about the validity of the votes this idea has received and we here at the Dream Assignment wanted to set the record straight to ensure everyone is on the same page.Just like every other dream assignment idea posted, all votes are carefully watched to ensure that the contest is fair. The votes that this idea received were carefully looked at and deemed all correct and voted on fairly. Any accusations that this idea received votes fraudulently are untrue. The author of this idea did nothing wrong and like you, he is passionate and believes strongly in his dream assignment idea.
The Dream Assignment Team's singular focus is to ensure that every dream assignment idea has an opportunity to be heard and that the voting is done fairly and openly. We support this idea along with the 2500 other wonderful ideas presently competing on the Name Your Dream Assignment Web site. As always, we absolutely appreciate everyone's passion, creativity and participation in the contest and we can't wait to see who the community and judges pick to be the winner.
One week till voting ends
Voting for the Name Your Dream Assignment will officially come to a close a week from today, Friday April 3 at 11:59 pm. Once voting has closed, the top 20 dream assignments that received the most votes will be sent to our judges and we anticipate to announce the winners two to three weeks after the contest has been closed. Thank you again for everyone's fabulous ideas, passion and participation.
Crossing Borders - Dream Assignment of the day
The dream assignment of the day chosen at random.
Author: Christopher
Dream Assignment: Crossing Borders
Answers from the author:
Where did your dream assignment come from?
“I work as a freelance medical interpreter and oftentimes, I work with people who have at some point had to cross illegally into the United States. While traveling, I also like to talk to people and met several individuals in Mexico who were from Central America.”
What kind of thoughts and reactions would you like others to have when they view the photos of your dream assignment?
“Simply that immigration is an issue which concerns us all, and with the new wall being put up by our government in the Mexico U.S border, to also keep in mind the impact that it would have on animal migration as well. The wall cuts across swaths of land that are very diverse, desert, mountains, estuaries, etc."
Christopher’s dream assignment can be found at:
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