32 PICS PIC IT /the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/

Forgotten Places In America

Past economic hardships, similar to the current situation, turned thriving communities into ghost towns, virtually overnight.

I'd like to photograph these vanishing places and mirror them against current struggles in modern communities. I would document the buildings and streets in towns that were once bustling with schools and homes, but were reduced to mere skeletons of broken architecture and empty lots.

I would illustrate how people moved away when the economic dynamics changed through collapse, or through changes in infrastructure, such as the relocation of highways, or the closure of factories and businesses.

All of this would be woven into the current economic story, and how it all may once again leave some communities to end up as forgotten places in America.

Rank: 74 | /the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse



His photos are great! Hope he wins. New Mexico has so many of these "forgotten" places and probably everywhere else in America for that matter.

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


This is a great idea!!! There is so much to learn from the past. Being from Texas, I know of some perfect examples to shoot!

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


I live near several places that qualify for this homage in remote rural West Texas. They all have a story to tell and few people around who can recount them. Documenting these places before they completely vanish is a fantastic idea.

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


His photos are the best. I know your going to win this. Robert IS THE BEST.

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


These are awesome! I'm now in Alabama, and these make me miss N.M. where I lived for 12 years!

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


I want to thank everyone for their support and for the fine comments. I appreciate all of them.

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Rob I have so many people who have locations they think would be perfect for you to shoot. You have great support and your little sister's pulling for ya! Love you.

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Robert, you have such a great talent. I have 3 of your pictures in my office and they get a lot of attention and positive comments. Thanks to you, these places will not be forgotten. Godspeed.

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Love the photos, good luck Robert

/the-ideas/robertpadilla/forgotten-places-in-america-/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Soulful artist - with the skill to capture the spirit of a person, place, or thing, and who proves that each indeed has one. His idea is very relavent to our current situation in the US, and will undoubtedly produce beautiful, respecful, and high quality documentation of our dynamic nation.

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