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The Forgotten Americans

I would like to travel the US photographing the native American tribes of America.

My name is Jennifer Tai and I am a Malaysian. I moved to America three years ago and I love it here.

Back in Malaysia, American culture is pervasive. My first taste of American culture as a kid was Westerns and what I knew of America comprised mainly of cowboys and native Americans. Of course, growing up, my "knowledge" of America widened to include super heroes, New Kids on the Block and UFOs.

However, having lived here for three years in the beautiful Northwest, where cities, towns and counties are named after Native American tribes, my knowledge of their culture and food has been oddly stagnant. This left me wondering: in an age where America has evolved so much to now have an African American president, surprisingly little is known of the Native American today, their food, their culture, their lives as 21st century Americans, so much so that walking around, we often forget that they were here first (and such is the fate of natives of any country).

I think I have a unique and fresh perspective, as a foreigner, photographing the native tribes of America, because I know next to nothing of them. I will travel the US, seeking native Americans of all walks of life, talk to them, live with them, eat with them, listen to their forgotten stories and then tell them through my pictures.

Please vote for me.

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Hi Jenn! Great idea! I pic'd yours! One of my best friends is half native American.

If you want to check out mine and maybe pic it too head over to;




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I have always wanted to see a children's book about wild and wacky washington words....all those indian words are hard to pronounce! and supercool!

/the-ideas/jennemede/the-forgotten-americans/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Hope you get a chance to show your amazing talent!

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thanks guys!

/the-ideas/jennemede/the-forgotten-americans/ Report Abuse Report Abuse


Will make a great follow up to Robert Frank's The Americans....good luck.

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Jenn, good luck on your quest, we look forward to autographed copies of the book.

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good luck jenn. rooting for you mostly because i know you'll do great given the opportunity.

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thanks guys :)

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